We are a very busy and diverse bunch of people who often fly under the radar. We belong to LOADS of community groups, co-operatives and initiatives which can see us getting lost and misrepresented to mainstream MPs and the media. This is a platform to support the consolidation of your experiences to help bust the myths.
They don't know what they don't know. If MPs haven't had first hand experience with homeschooling, we can't blame them for not understanding how potent educating our own kids using child led practices, unit study pedagogy, inter-age experiences and more... (often which go beyond core curriculum)...can be
Many of us tens of thousands of parents and kids currently homeschooling in the state are incredibly, even insanely busy with daily interactive learning activities so we are attempting to step up and ease each others burden to prove how important it is not to alter the laws.
We ensure that we are collectively up to date with aggregation of the latest research and evidence based information aroud educational practices in Australia and other international jurisdictions
The child and their rights and our responsibilities to support them are at the heart of our advocacy
Ours is not a one size fits all, just like what home education should be. We try to represent the breadth and depth of our community